Chapter One. Introduction: Framing Cancer and Structural Vulnerability
Nancy J. Burke, Julie Armin, and Laura Eichelberger
Part I. Negotiating Vulnerability
Chapter Two. Cancer and Precarity: Rights and Vulnerabilities of West African Immigrants in France
Carolyn Sargent and Peter Benson
Chapter Three. Bringing the People into Policy: Managing Cancer among Structurally Vulnerable Women
Julie Armin
Chapter Four. Anxious Provocations: Engagements with Cancer Screening by the Medically Underserved
Susan Shaw
Chapter Five. The Familiarity of Coping: Kinship and Social Location in the Safety-Net Experience of Cancer
Simon Craddock Lee
Part II. Mapping Institutions, Interventions, and Inequalities
Chapter Six. Connecting Rural Patients with Urban Hospitals across the Cancer Care Continuum: A View from Vietnam on a Global Problem
Maria Stalford
Chapter Seven. Stuck in the Middle: Patient Navigation and Cancer Clinical Trials Recruitment in the Safety Net
Nancy J. Burke
Chapter Eight. Colonial Legacies: Population Panics, Reproductive Control, and Cancer-Related Fertility Care in Puerto Rico
Karen Dyer
Chapter Nine. The Westernization Effect: Biocommunicable Cartographies, Epidemiologic (In)Visibilities, and the Cancer Transition Theory
Laura Eichelberger
Chapter Ten. Afterword: Revealing Erasures, Configuring Silences: Structural Vulnerability in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Research
James Quesada