Contracted Authors

Preparing for Final Manuscript and Art Submission

Before submitting your final manuscript and art to the press, be sure that you have secured all necessary permissions. If your manuscript contains any images or quoted material that fall outside fair-use restrictions, you must have formal permission to reprint it. Please refer to the document below for information about what requires permission and how to secure it, and contact your acquiring editor if you have additional questions or concerns. 

You may use the template letters below to request the permissions required, depending on whether you are writing to the copyright holder to request permission to reprint an image or a text extract. 

If your book is an edited collection, or if it contains chapter contributions by another author, including a book foreword, you will need a signed contributor release form. Every author who is not a signatory on your contract must submit a contributor release form, available below. 

Permissions Guidelines
Request for Art Permission
Request for Text Permission
Contributor Release Form

Final Manuscript Submission

If you have signed a contract with the Press and are ready to submit your final manuscript with all accompanying images and permissions, please prepare your manuscript materials according to the formatting guidelines outlined in the following document. Please fully complete the checklist included here and include it with your final manuscript submission. 

Final Manuscript Checklist

Final Art Submission

If your book will contain art (photographs, line drawings, color plates, tables, graphs, charts, etc.), please be sure that your art adheres to the guidelines included below. Please also complete the art checklist to itemize the art. 

Art Submission Guidelines
Writing Alt Text for Book Images
Final Art Checklist

If you have any questions about submitting the final materials for your project, please contact your acquiring editor.