Arlene M. Dávila
Ana Aparicio, Andrea Bolivar, Alex E. Chávez, Sherina Feliciano-Santos, Santiago Guerra, Gina M. Pérez, Jonathan Rosa, Gilberto Rosas, Aimee Villarreal, and Patricia Zavella
Chapter One. "While You Are Struggling, You Are Healing": Latinas Enact Poder through the Movement for Reproductive Justice
Patricia Zavella
Chapter Two. Taíno and Afro-Taíno Narrative, Performance, and Resistencia in Puerto Rico and the United States
Sherina Feliciano-Santos
Chapter Three. The Urban Sonorous and Collective Witness in the City of Neighborhoods
Alex E. Chávez
Chapter Four. Diasporic Signs: Puerto Rican Placemaking, Latinx Artivism, and the Aesthetics of Resistance
Jonathan Rosa and David Flores
Chapter Five. Race, Trash Talk, and Dissent in Contemporary Suburbia
Ana Aparicio
Chapter Six. Trans-Latina Fantasías: Creating Trans Latina Selves, Families, and Futures
Andrea Bolivar
Chapter Seven. The Drug War, Drug Reform, and the Latinx Community: An Ethnographic Perspective from the Texas-Mexico Border and Colorado
Santiago Ivan Guerra
Chapter Eight. Becoming a Sanctuary People: Latina/o Practices of Accompaniment in Northeast Ohio
Gina M. Pérez
Chapter Nine. Witnessing in Brown: On Making Dead to Let Live
Gilberto Rosas
Chapter Ten. Anthropolocura as Homeplace Ethnography
Aimee Villarreal
Afterword. Uncertain Future(s): Latinidad, Anthropology, Institutions
Vanessa Díaz, Sergio Lemus, and Ryan Mann-Hamilton
List of Contributors