List of Illustrations
Chapter One. Colonial and Postcolonial Change in Mesoamerica: An Introduction
Susan Kepecs and Rani T. Alexander
Part One. Topical Syntheses
Chapter Two. Mexico City, Mérida, and the World: Kondratieff Waves on the Periphery
Susan Kepecs and Patricia Fournier García
Chapter Three. Commodities Production and Technological Change
Susan Kepecs, Patricia Fournier García, Rani T. Alexander, and Cynthia L. Otis Charlton
Chapter Four. Agrarian Ecology and Historical Contingency in Landscape Change
Rani T. Alexander, Janine Gasco, and Judith Francis Zeitlin
Chapter Five. Archaeologies of Resistance
Rani T. Alexander, Susan Kepecs, Joel W. Palka, and Judith Francis Zeitlin
Chapter Six. Religion and Ritual in Postconquest Mesoamerica
Judith Francis Zeitlin and Joel W. Palka
Chapter Seven. Sociocultural Identities
Judith Francis Zeitlin, Patricia Fournier García, Joel W. Palka, and Janine Gasco
Part Two. Case Studies
Chapter Eight. Historical Archaeology in the Basin of Mexico: The Otumba Case
Thomas H. Charlton and Cynthia L. Otis Charlton
Chapter Nine. Material Culture, Status, and Identity in Post-Independence Central Mexico: Urban and Rural Dimensions
Patricia Fournier García
Chapter Ten. Indigenous Communities, Colonization, and Interethnic Interaction in Tehuantepec, 1450 to the Present
Judith Francis Zeitlin
Chapter Eleven. Anthropogenic Landscapes of Soconusco, Past and Present
Janine Gasco
Chapter Twelve. Cross-Cultural Interaction and Lacandon Ethnogenesis in the Southern Maya Lowland Frontier, AD 1400 to the Present
Joel W. Palka
Chapter Thirteen. Agrarian Ecology in Yucatán, 1450-2000
Rani T. Alexander
Chapter Fourteen. The Longue Durée, from Salt to Sea Cucumbers: Kondratieff Waves in Chikinchel, on the Very Far Periphery
Susan Kepecs
Chapter Fifteen. The Underlying Aim of Historical Archaeology: A Conclusion
Susan Kepecs and Rani T. Alexander
References Cited